Opening Hours

Mon–Fri: 9am–4pm    

Stay in touch

3210 Academy Avenue

Portsmouth, VA 23703


What are Intensive-in-Home Services?


Intensive-in-Home Services are intensive, time-limited, interventions provided to children and adolescents who are at risk of being moved into an out-of-home placement, or who are being transitioned to home from out-of-home placement due to documented clinical needs of the child.  An out-of-home placement location may include psychiatric hospital, juvenile detention center or a residential facility.



Intensive-in-Home services include:


  • Crisis treatment
  • Individual and family counseling
  • Communication skills training
  • Training in problem-solving, anger management, and interpersonal interactions
  • Care coordination with other required services
  • 24-hour emergency response.

All IIH Individuals Receives


  • An assessment by a licensed or license-eligible Mental Health Professional
  • An individualized service plan with measurable goals to gauge progress
  • A caring counselor with experience working with troubled youths
  • A Master’s-prepared family counselor to facilitate positive family interaction
  • A safe therapeutic environment to process grief, trauma and loss
  • Opportunities to participate in their treatment
  • Support and encouragement to achieve therapeutic goals





Call our office today, or make an appointment online. We look forward to welcoming you to our beautiful  office!




We have selected leading professionals for their up-to-date knowledge, reassuring and caring manner and premium clinical expertise.




We offer same-day appointments - 5 days a week.

We are open:

Monday to Friday 9:00am–5:00pm




LFS offers adult services which include mental health skill-building services, psychosocial rehabilitation services, and substance abuse counseling.





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